Hey, could some kind admin explain me the reasoning for chosing a maxtickrate of 45 on the ictf server?
I asked this because I feel player movement feels erradict and jumpy, especially when there is too much ppl playing.
I'm really having issues playing on your servers even with the low ping I have (16-20), kinda feels like there is some p/l while there isn't.
All the time I see players semi warping on the server and it's actually a bit annoying aiming at ppl when they, in a instant, just jump out of your aim like their teleporting around the map.
I don't know if lowering the tickrate would solve this issue or not, all I know is that on clanbase the tickrate settings where at 30-35.
Iirc lowering the tickrate would also increase the ping of the players slighty, but remove that jumpy feeling and smoothen out the gameplay some more, just tell
me if I'm wrong with this statement.
I did some quick lookup on the net about tickrates, so I'm basing my opinion on the info I have read, I very so could have just misunderstand it completely.
I understand there is more to tickrate then to what I am saying here, but I'm posting this because of the strange feel of the server that doesn't seem consistent at all.
Sometimes it feels spot on, other times I feel ppl are kinda teleporting around the place, even the ones with low ping.
I also have this issue of skipping frames when I'm aiming tho not all the time, could be my hardware setup, but on the same token I can run ut2004 on a steady 200 fps offline.
So I'm a bit unclear what is causing this.
This is a honest question, so if someone could plz explain me how it is or why it is like this, it would be very much appreciated!
With kind regards,
Dennis aka Sys-X